R.E.D. is an acronym that stands for Remember Everyone Deployed. R.E.D. Friday was created to remind people of our heroes overseas and those who are deployed here in the US, and show that we are thinking of them. People across the country wear red every Friday to serve as a reminder and spread the message of how important it is that we keep our troops in our thoughts.
If morale is low, mistakes are made and people die.
Our job is to support our troops and in the process we can help to increase their morale by showing we care. Let's face it, your show of appreciation could very well save someone's son or daughter's life. any given Friday, a sea of R.E.D much like a home football game at a university.
Being a part of R.E.D. Friday is easy: just wear red on Friday and tell your friends why! You can also submit your R.E.D. Friday selfie on our Facebook page to appear in our R.E.D. Friday collage every week.
And so R.E.D. Shirt Friday spread across the U.S. thanks to military families, spouses, organizations like TBP and Americans who want to make sure that our heroes know they are supported. Join us!
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